Monday, October 13, 2008

Blue Monday - Vintage Kitchen Linens

Hello everyone and Happy "Blue Monday". I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. My weekend was very quiet and relaxing after a busy week at work. Except for some short rain showers on Saturday and cloudy skies today, the weather here in Minnesota has been very nice with temperatures in the mid 70's. These warm autumn days won't last much longer so I am enjoying them while I can. Winter will be here all too soon.

Now that Monday is here, it's time once again for Sally's Blue Monday where participants can post about something blue. To find out more about Blue Monday's, take a trip over to Sally's blog at for more information.

Over the years I have found much joy in collecting fairly inexpensive vintage kitchen linens including vintage tablecloths, tea towels and crocheted pot holders. These nostalgic items bring a lovely cottage charm to my home that I find to be very cheerful and welcoming.

Today, I thought I would show you some pieces from my collection that include the color blue. There is still a lot of pink in this post, but that can't be helped. Finding something in my home without at least a hint of pink is actually pretty difficult if you can believe it. The blue and pink just blend so well together that when I do buy the vintage linens from the antique stores, they usually have both blue and pink in them, so I hope you will forgive me.

One of my favorite and least expensive things to collect are sweet little vintage crocheted potholders. I have quite a collection of them in my favorite colors of pink, pale green, blue and even some purple ones. This first picture is of the only two blue ones that I have in my collection. They are very hard to find in this color and especially one's that are still in good condition with little or no stains on them.

These following pictures are of just a few of my vintage tablecloths. I just love these!! It's fun to change the look of my kitchen table by using the different tablecloths and they look so pretty folded and displayed in my small china hutch when they are not being used.

This picture is of one of my tea towels that has the most blue in it. It has a blue background with a trellis design and red apples (and also a touch of pink !!).

A fun and creative way to display my collection of tea towels is on an old wooden "ladder" that I found in a junk store several years ago. I had seen similar ones in decorating magazines and was thrilled finally find one for myself. I have it propped against the wall in my dining room and it makes for a great display piece to showcase my collection.

The mix of patterns and colors is so cheery and always puts a smile on my face...

I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and seeing a few small pieces from my collection of vintage linens that have a little blue in them.

Now head on over to Sally's blog for a list of other Blue Monday participants and take the time to visit their blogs to see what they are showcasing today.

Come back and visit again soon....


  1. Pink and blue have always worked well together. Who would mind? You have an amazing collection. I especially like those doilys--such intricate work. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday!

  2. What a lovely collection! Liked those little vintage crocheted potholders the most.

  3. What a lovely collection! I had a class years ago that featured making garments from damaged table cloths, tea towels, etc. While all were interesting and some very pretty, they were a bit busy (most done as Victorian crazy patchwork) and not something you could wear just anywhere unless you had a certain elan. I prefer to see items displayed as you have done.

  4. I most certainly did enjoy my visit. I love your collection of linens, but the way you have them displayed is great. What a idea. I have lots of vintage linens, and would love to find something like this to display them on. Now, I must have one too. Really loved your post.

  5. I love your vintage tablecloths. Aren't they special? Displaying them on the ladder is a great idea...that way you can just admire them. Sooo pretty.
    Thank you for sharing
    come by and check my Blue Monday also.

  6. Your vintage linens are beautiful! Happy Blue Monday!

  7. What lovely things. I have a lot of pink and blue together in my home, too. In fact, most of your things here would fit right in at my house!! I love how you have them displayed.

  8. I love vintage linens too! The potholders and the first table cloth are my favorite. Happy Blue Monday!

    Heidi Jo the Artist

  9. What beautiful linen!

    The crockery at the top of the page reminds me of visiting my grandparents when I was a kid. Think I might have to source a load when our vintage kitchen refurb is complete.

  10. Oooooo and aaaaaaah! Loved seeing your vintage kitchen linens! Any of them would be perfectly at home in my own cottage kitchen; we have quite similar taste!

  11. Hi Kim. I agree there can't be a better blue than in vintage linens. These are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Your vintage linen collection featuring "blue" is wonderful!! Love the ladder idea. My linens are all stuffed away in drawers :(
    Take care~

  13. Kim, I adore all your vintage linens and pot holders. The colors always grab me. What a cheerful era. I'm old enough to remember that stuff. Smile. Great blue post. Thanks for sharing your lovely collection.


  14. Your vintage linens are beautiful. The ladder is a unique way to display them. Each time I visit you I admire your title design and your teapots. You have a wonderful sense of style.

  15. What a very nice collection you have. I so remember tablecloths like the ones you shared belonging to my grandmothers. They are so pretty.

    I really love how you have displayed the tea towels. What a wonderful idea. Great post.

    take care,

  16. Hi Kim
    I love all your vintage linens and like the way you have displayed them. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  17. Hi Kim,
    Hey, I was surprised to read that you were from Minnesota. Where abouts do you live? I am in a suburb just outside the Twin Cities. It sure was a bit muggy this morning. What a neat collection - vintage linens and potholders. I bought a really cute bridge cloth from an antique store in Grand Marais. I bet you you would recognize the pattern, it has little wheelbarrows and spades and watering cans on it.
    Happy Blue Monday ~ Robyn

  18. OMG!! I want everything!! I love old linens!! They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  19. Love your linens and your lady Carlyle teapot (in your side bar). Happy Blue MOnday, thanks for the comment!

  20. Hi Kim,
    I am just over here in Roseville! Isn't that something! ~ Robyn

  21. What a wonderful collectin of vintage linens. I enjoyed visiting your blog. I was especially amazed at your study transformation a few posts down.
    Thanks for coming by. I lived in MN during my teen years and went to nurses training in the Cities. So it's fun to meet a MN blogger. :)

  22. Lovely blue vintage linens!!

  23. Love all your linens. I have liked the ladder display idea for awhile. Don't have enough of anything for one yet. Although I could try and find a ladder anyway. LOL! I got the linen over the toilet tank idea from some decorating magazine. I don't remember which one. I did it in my other bathroom too, but different color scheme. Thanks for visiting again!

  24. Love your tablecloth collection, pinks, blues, reds...I collect vintage tablecloths too and I love the way you display them! I collect everything it seems, probably why my house is bursting!

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  25. Ohmygosh sweetpea your teatowels look sooooo pretty on the old ladder! I want them all! I love blue too! I should join this blue thing i think and i can show my new blue pretties that ive been 'tweakin' OH and my new blue lounges when they come too! OOOOOWEEEEEE.

    Chat soon!
    Love Shann xx

  26. I LOVE the blue doilies...I need to find a way to house my collection..its not in a very easy place right now.

  27. Just looking at the detail in this work makes my eyes cross and my fingers ache.

    Nice collection!

  28. Oh what wonderful vintage blue! I like it all. I think the ladder of linens is fabulous!!

  29. Your Vintage Liens are just BEAUTIFUL...... I love that you have them display so you can enjoy them they are lovely...... . gosh they would look good in my house...

  30. Kim, honey, thank you for your sweet comment! I love vintage tablecloths and collect a few myself. Not many; just a few.

  31. Hi Kim
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog during Pink Saturday.
    This post is just gorgous! I absolutely love how you have diplayed them on the ladder. So so pretty!
    Take care

  32. I adore all your vintage, blue linens!

  33. I love the blue & pink combo!
    the doilies are beautiful.
    what a wonderful collection you have!

  34. Come by my blog tomorrow..I'm having a giveaway!

    Have a great evening.


  35. Hiya Miss Kim, Just popping by to wish you a happy weekend..
    Love Shann xo
