Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Heartfelt Thanks....

Hello my lovely friends...

I am having such a wonderful week so far and I hope that you are as well.

While I may not have met any of my new blogging friends in person, I have enjoyed meeting them and getting to know them through their blogs and from the comments they have left for me on mine. I wanted to take the time today to acknowledge and send a very special thank you out to two of them.

First, I would like to send a big thank you out to Becca at for being so sweet and kind for mentioning me and my new blog in her latest blog post. It means a great deal to me that Becca was willing to take that extra little step and introduce me to those who may not have had a chance yet to discover and visit my blog. Becca, you are the best!!

Being a new blogger, I was so worried about how anyone would find me, so for Becca to give me a little “free advertising” is something that I really appreciate and will forever be thankful for.

My second thank you goes out to Sweetie at

Today, Sweetie is living up to her name by graciously presenting me with the BFF Gold Card which I will gladly display on my sidebar.

This award comes with some rules which are as follows:

You may choose five people/blogs to give the award to.
Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
One has to be a new follower of your blog or live in another part of the world.

To share in the generosity and spirit of giving, I am in turn presenting this Gold Card to the following recipients. Please stop by and visit them at their blogs to say hello and find out what is going on in their world.

Shannon from Paint Mine Pink @
Faith from Grandma Faiths’ Fabulous Life @
Gabriela from Gabriela Delworth @
Jan from Jan and Tom’s Place @
Connie from Living Beautifully @

Until next time…..


  1. Hello,

    Thank you so much for your visit!
    And for this awesome award.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  2. You are so very welcome!! Thanks for the kind words!

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful award with me. I'm so excited I have already placed it on my blog. Now I've got to get busy and pass it on. Thank you again. Love, Faith

  4. Well, thank you, sweetpea!! I appreciate all comments I get. I'm such a ham I guess. I'll post it on my blog soon. Come on back over soon and rest with me after this painting is done. LOL

  5. Hi Kim, Ohhhhh thankyou for your lovely comments, lol at the hot boots. It is hard when you first start blogging, I have only been at it a few months as well, it is wonderful when people start to visit you, I love to open up my blog and read new comments, it makes the start of my day so wonderful. Cheers Debra.

  6. Hi Kim...

    Thanks for the lovely award...I'm honored! I'm always surprised when I find out I've won an award!!

    If you haven't, please stop by my place and help celebrate my Birthday Tea Party with me tonite!


  7. I love your inspiring blog!
    Denise Nantasket Beach ,Mass.

  8. I found your lovely blog through a comment you left on Rose Breeze Boutique. I'm so glad I found your blog! I love your taste in decor and I know I will find a wealth of inspiration while I decorate my own small apartment!

  9. oh you lovely lovely sweet girl! How did i not see this???
    THANKYOU soooo much Kim you are so sweet!
    Right back at ya too sweet girl!

    Luv Shann xx
