Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pink Saturday - Pale and Pretty

Oh my... Another week has flown by and it's time once again to share in the fun of "Pink Saturday" hosted by Beverly at Thank you Beverly for being such a wonderful hostess and for allowing all of us that love the color Pink to share some of our favorite Pink with others.

Today, I am showing a vignette of some of my pale and pretty pinks. Included in the vignette is a sweet pale pink lady chalk figurine, some pretty pink buttons, a vintage postcard and a couple of pale pink milk glass candy dishes. A sweet rose patterened plate is the backdrop to the vignette. The color of the candy dishes is such a pale shade of pink that they almost look white. Only if you've ever seen similar pieces in your own eye will you understand just how pale the shade of pink is. I love to use these candy dishes at Easter filled with pastel colored candies.

The vingette re-arranged with the candy dishes removed to show more of the rose patterned plate....

And I would like to send out a shout of THANKS to Katie at Rose Breeze Boutique who last week shared a photo of some beautiful floral fleece fabric that she had found at JoAnn's. After seeing her picture and falling in love with the design of the fleece fabric, I had to run to JoAnn's and purchase some of the lovely fabric for myself. Just like Katie, I now have a beautiful and "shabby" lap throw of my own. Perfect for getting cozy on a cold Minnesota winter day !!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. Now head on over to Beverly's for a list of more "Pink Saturday" participants. Make sure you visit the others also to see what lovely Pink they have in store for you today.

Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Such pretty pinks you have there. I love the idea of the cozy lap blanket you have there. I may need to do that too. But not cold enough here to run and do that just yet. We had a crazy warm day yesterday. At midnight it was still 75 degrees outside. Bizarre!

  2. I love your post, it's very pretty! Have a great Pink Saturday!

  3. Happy Pink Saturday! Love those pink buttons *smiles*

  4. You are a blog award winner! See my blog for details

  5. Hi there! So glad you found some of that fabric, it's hard to capture how really pretty it is in a photo, it's even prettier in person!

    Love your vignette today of your pink pretties. I have seen the "pink" milkglass but I don't think I've seen it that pale before! So pretty! The vintage card is the best. Baskets are just my fav thing, and that particular card is so beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. What a pretty pink vignette. I love that throw! Does it already have a patchwork look or did you piece it?

  7. Your PINK dishes are very pretty. I have seen the soft pink ones before, and they are beautiful. The throw looks super. Maybe I should go to JoAnn's myself.

  8. Beautiful pieces, I always enjoy your blog header too :)
    *Happy Pink Saturday*

  9. Wow! I'd better get down to Joanne's. I love that fabric. All your pink stuff is great.

  10. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Pretty, pretty PINK post.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  11. beautiful dishes, hope you have a blessed week,

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Kim.

    Your vignette is lovely, and I love the candy dish. And, your throw is so pretty, and I know it will be cozy.

  13. Very, very pretty! And I love that fabric. We are getting a Jo Ann's here and I can't wait. HPS

  14. Hi Kim, I have seen the pale pink glass and it is so pretty. Your vignette is very sweet with the rose plate in the background. I love to display pretty things that have like colors together. I used to do antique shows in Atlanta and the most fun job was to set up all the lovely antiques in vignettes. Somewhere I have photos of my tables and it would be fun to share them. Two of my sisters did this too and we always set up together. We sold mostly Victorian smalls (not furniture) and vintage prints.
    They still are in business as 'Bluebird Antiques.'They sell on e-bay too. Last but not least, I adore your throw. We do not have JoAnn's here. sigh. I'm glad you like my pink today.


  15. Gorgeous lap quilt! And your pal pink pieces are so pretty.

  16. Your dishes are just fabulous and I love your vignettes...very creative....there is just something about the color PINK that makes everything so romantic....
    Mo :-)
    and thank you for your sweet comment....

  17. Oh, I love that delicate pink little girl. I am not excessively fond of china objects as I seem to have two left feet and hands, but she is lovely! happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Such lovely pretties! I LOVE your lap quilt!


  19. I love your pretty post and I just hafta get some of that fleece. It's wonderful. Happy late Pink Saturday..come visit.

  20. Hey Kim; First of all thank you for stopping by and the kind comment.
    Now I so love your pink lady she is so pretty and chic. And your dishes are just beautiful, I can see them with the Easter candy in the dish.

    Have a great week.


  21. Wow. I wish we had a Joann's. Maybe online I could get that fabric? I just love it! So pretty. Happy Pink Saturday to you.

  22. Love the dishes...I too have a very very large collection of plates and platters.

    Do stop by sometime and check out the pink contest we have going on @

    Hope to see you there

