Friday, December 12, 2008

Hello and Happy Holidays to all of my visitors.

I hope this holiday season is finding you happy and well and that you are enjoying your time getting ready for the upcoming holidays.

Sorry I haven’t been around very much lately. I have been busy with things at work and getting ready for Christmas so I haven’t had very much time for blogging.

I finally had a chance to take a few more vacation days before the end of the year which has allowed me to catch up on things and finally getting around to some blogging.

As usual, part of my vacation time was spent visiting some of my local antique and specialty shops. Earlier today I visited a wonder shop called “The Vintage Pixie” which is a shop that only holds what they refer to as “occasional sales”. They are only open about 6 times a year over a long 5 day weekend. I was lucky in that my vacation time this week fell on one of the weekends that the shop was open. After this weekend, they won’t re-open for their next sale until April or May.

One part of the shop was full of Shabby Chic/Vintage style items. They had everything displayed so beautifully and I wanted to either move in or buy everything to take home with me. However, being a good girl and staying within my set budget, I couldn't’ buy everything that I would have like to, but I did end up finding a few special items that I ended up buying. I found a very pretty flower vase and a set of 4 small glasses made of pink milk glass that I think I will use as flower vases. I am only showing 2 of them here. They are a wonderful addition to my pink milk glass collection.

Another recent find from an antique shop is this pretty bone china flower basket that has a lovey raised pink rose in the center. It fits in beautifully with my collection of pink and robins egg blue that I have displayed in my office at home.

Once the holidays are over and things start to slow down again, I hope to get back to blogging on a more regular basis. Until then, may all of you have a wonderful and blessed holiday season.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. What can I say?? Beautiful, Beautiful!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  2. Hey there shabby sis! It's so good to see you post! What pretty things, oooo pink milkglass! So very pretty. Busy around here, I'm the baking queen during the holidays but happy to say I have all the cookie doughs made and frozen. I do the baking closer to the Day.

    Hope you are good and not working too hard and had a nice restful vacation! Happy Holidays!

  3. Hey Kim !

    We have missed you!
    Guess what? Ive got the same plate as you (second photo with the blue and roses). Go to my blog, i think its in one of my christmas pics.

    I hope you have a beautiful christmas sweetie,

    Hugs, Shann xo

  4. I know I can always come here for a "pretty fix". :> And your banner always makes me smile!

    ~ Hearts ~
