Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Beautiful Christmas Gift From My Baby Sister.....

Just dropping into to say Hello and that I hope all is going well with everyone out there in blogland.

Things are going pretty good at my house. I’m surviving the snow and freezing cold temperatures we’ve been having this week, but just barely. A normal 30 minute commute home from work yesterday took me 70 minutes on account of the snow and slick road and if that wasn’t bad enough, the temperatures overnight dropped to a bone chilling -18 degrees. Good thing I was able to work at home today and didn’t have to leave the house.

Anyways….. I wanted to show off one of my Christmas gifts that I received this year. I received this lovely rose painted sugar dish from my “baby” sister who knows my tastes in china and decorating so well. Thank you my dear sweet sister for finding such a lovely gift for me.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Please come back again !!!


  1. Very, very pretty! I know what you mean about the cold, I am so ready for spring!

  2. A great sister with perfect taste.

  3. What a wonderful gift to treasure from your sister!

  4. Hi Kim, Thanks for coming over to visit. I hope I'll see you again. I was browsing thru and notice you have alot of nice things. I know I'll be back soon and in the meantime get creative for another post. I'm saying that because you have remark about the work that goes into posting. I'm so with you, and I just started. Isn't that terrible..

    That is really pretty from your sister. Sisters are GREAT! I have only one, and I don't know what I would do without her.

  5. Wow lucky you lovely blog too!
