Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter blahs and a few pretty things.........

Urrrrrggggggg.. Winter is back in full force here in Minnesota. It started snowing around Noon today and they are predicting up to 8 inches of the fresh white stuff by midnight tonight. Is winter never going to end?

It’s a good I worked from home today and didn’t have to be out driving on the messy roads. That is never something I look forward to. I only took a short walk out to the central mailbox station in our culd-e-sac and nearly slipped and fell on a patch of ice that was hidden beneath a layer of snow. Thank goodness I was able to catch my balance. Sure would have been embarrassing to fall and land on my rear out in the middle of the road. What a funny sight that would have been…. LOL.

To make up for the dreary weather, I had to show off a few pretty things. One is new and the other is old. The new is this darling little lamb baby planter that I found in an antique store a few weeks ago. I just love the sweet look on its face and the soft shades of pink and blue.

The old is this pretty floral vase that has my favorite colors of pink, blue, yellow and green. It so reminds me of the spring I am longing for.

Seeing these pretty things everyday always puts a smile on my face, even when the winter blues having me feeling down.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and that you have fun plans for the upcoming weekend. Tomorrow is payday for me, so that means I might have to visit an antique store or two over the weekend to see if I can dig up some pretty new treasures.

Take care and come back soon………..


  1. OOOOh! I love that baby lambie planter! So cute! ☺

    It's 66 here today, Kim but it's supposed to snow tomorrow! I'm thankful for the little breaks we get.

    My face is all numb with a sinus infection but I decided to "get out" and visit anyway. I might not remember what I write though! Ha-ha!

  2. Hey Kim,
    I wish the winter would end for you sweet friend. Spring is right around the corner hopefully for you....hang in there girl!
    I always love seeing your pretties...I know they make you smile because they sure put a smile on my face too!
    Hope you have a fun time going to the antique stores this weekend.
    Big Hugs,

  3. The little lamb planter is so sweet!!
    Glad you didn't fall! Be careful out there!

  4. Kim, I just love your little lamb...
    It really put a smile on face seeing something pretty tonight while i'm at work.
    Spring right around the corner!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!

  5. Oh the lamb is adorable! Happy Pink Saturday even though you're not participating this time around.

    I truly do not know how you handle all that winter! Here, our peach tree is in full bloom and the asparagus is beginning to come up! Whoo hoo!

    Have a super duper weekend!

  6. Hi Kim!

    I really like your vase! I'm glad you didn't fall.

    Have a good day!

    C. C.

  7. Love your vase.. We too have snow still. More tomorrow!! Urgr-r-r-r-! I can't wait until I am gripeing about the weeds & deer in the garden!! LOL!!
    Love, mMrilyn

  8. Kim...thank you darling!! Feel free to follow my blog to see more!! I just fell madly in love with one of your tea pots!!!
    I will stop by again real soon!!!
    Take care, and hang tough through the Minnesota Winter!!I know how it feels...Newfoundland winters are UCK too!!

    Hugz from Melinda @
    My Shabby World!

  9. OHH I love all your pretties!! Please show us some more!!
