Saturday, April 18, 2009

Vintage Pretties......

Hello my sweet friends and Happy Weekend...

Hope you all had a good week and that you have fun things planned for this weekend. I have a fun day ahead of me. My sweet and adorable twin niece and nephew turned "5" on Friday and today they are having their birthday party, so I will be spending most of the day with them and the rest of my family helping them celebrate their special day.

I didn't have much time this week for coming up with new ideas to post about, let alone taking pictures to go along with them, so I started digging through my photo folders to see if I could find something of interest to show you. Lucky for me, I did. Now I'd like to share them with you.

I've mentioned before that I love to collect vintage lady figurines. This little lovely green lady is one of my favorites. I love the sweet look on her face. I believe she is what they call a chalk figurine. She has her own little spot on my coffee table where she has stood for quite some time and where I can admire her simple beauty on a daily basis.

Also on my coffee table is one of several small vintage circular plastic candy boxes that I have in my collection. It is the prettiest shade of yellow and has a lovely vintage image on the cover of the box. Someday soon, I will try to gather my collection together and show you all of them. I found these several years ago and am always keeping my eye out for more, but I have not had any luck in finding them. I think with the craze of decorating in the vintage/cottage style, these are most likely being snapped up quickly by collectors when they appear in the antique or thrift stores.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. Take care and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hi Kim!

    I like your chalk lady.

    I just got a quilt back from the quilters you might like to look at over at my blog. Not the first small one, but the second one on the bed.

    You have a lovely home and decorating style!

    Have a nice day!

    C. C.

  2. Your little lady is so sweet. It is so fun to have the little figurines to add peace to your house!

  3. I like the round girl box! ♥

  4. Kim
    That is certainly a neat lady! Aren't those boxes celloid? I have never seen one like it before! Neat! See you again, Lori

  5. Hi Kim,
    Soo hope you had a lovely day with your family.. Always soo wonderful to be able to share with those we love !! Your lady is gorgeous.. I LOVE these as well . So soft and feminine.. Such a girly girl you are.. Love to share with you !! Have a restful, rest of your Sunday.. hugs ~tea~

  6. This is one of the prettiest blogs I've seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing...


  7. Hello, Kim!

    I just discovered your blog and feel like coming home. We share so many of the same "likes". Pink - china - teacups ...YES!

    As I have time I will have to go back through your posts and look at the Teacup Tuesdays. How many teacups do you currently have?

    Everything looks super!

    Fun, fun, fun!

    Come and visit my new blog to say "hi" if you have time.

    Betty :)

  8. I always love looking at your treasures...I just love that lady figurine...She is so pretty and I just love her blue dress...Hope you have a wonderful week.
