Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sharing a Link to a Beautiful Blog....

Do you ever just stumble across a blog by accident and find yourself drooling in awe over the gorgeous photos and wishing you could have everything you see for your very own?

That recently happened to me as I was blog hopping and not even remembering which blog I started at, I clicked on a link to another blog called
Shabby Romantic and I found myself at one of the prettiest blogs. I then spent a good half hour or so going back through all the archives looking at all of the beautiful pictures.

Here’s just a sneak peak of what you'll see ....

What makes this blog a little bit different is that it's a French blog and is written entirely in French and I couldn’t even read a single word on it....LOL

Forget the fact that you won’t be able to read this blog (unless you are lucky enough to be able to read French). Take the time to check it out anyways. I know you won’t be disappointed after seeing all of the beautiful pictures. It’s definitely worth your time.

Try not to drool too much………

P.S. Call this post my way of cheating when it comes to doing a new blog post. My brain has been on system overload this week with all of the crazyness at work, so by the time I've gotten home or finished working for the day, my brain has pretty much shut down and I've had a hard time getting myself motivated enough to take some new pictures and do a "real" blog post. I'm hoping to play catch-up over the weekend and to have something new to share by the end of the weekend.

Until then, take care and enjoy your weekend..


  1. Blogger has a language thingie, where it will translate for you I think.........

    I'll go check it out for sure! Hope you will have a restful weekend!

  2. That was a beautiful blog, so many pretty things! Hope you have a good weekend. Work has been kinda crazy for me too. Maybe it was just one of those weeks.

  3. Thanks for that link...what a beautiful blog! I'm off to drool some more. hehe!

  4. Oh, Kim hop on over to see my new bridal favors!

  5. Hi Kim!

    Just stopping by to say "hi"!

    Have a good week!

    C. C.

  6. Hun, this is a *real* blog post! ♥ ☺ Thanks for the link. I'd love to learn French... Have you ever heard of the singing group Vox Angeli?
