Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Teacup Tuesday-Week 7


Do you notice something different about this “Teacup Tuesday” post? See something that is usually lacking in my blog pictures?

Figured it out yet?

Well, if you haven’t figured it out, let me help you out a little bit. It’s the color BLACK! Yep, that’s right, BLACK. I don’t think I’ve ever shown anything with this color on my blog before. As I’m sure my frequent visitors know, I tend to stick more to my favorite pastel colors in my blog posts as those are the colors that I myself find more pleasing to the eye.

However, for this post I must sneak a little of this color black onto my blog to take you back many years ago to where my teacup collection first started. This my friends was the very first teacup that I ever purchased and which was the beginning of this crazy teacup collection of mine. I’m guessing it must be close to 20 years old by now. I know nothing of the pattern. All I can tell you is that it was made by Queens China.

Ever wonder what started me on this collection of teacups, teapots and pretty china? Well, it all started about the time that the gorgeous “Victoria” magazine entered into this world. It was through the beauty of “Victoria” magazine that I fell in love with everything to do with the art of tea and with collecting pretty china. If it wasn’t for “Victoria”, my china cupboards would probably be empty and my pocketbook a little more full…LOL.

Now that you've seen my offering for todays "Teacup Tuesday", it's time to continue on your journey through the virtual world of "Teacup Tuesday". Please take the time to visit the blogs of these lovely ladies who are also participating in “Teacup Tuesday” to see the beautiful teacups they are sharing with us today. I know that they would love to have you stop by for a visit and leave a comment for them.

Katie -
Rose Breeze Boutique
Melinda - Everything Shabby and Chic
Jocelyn - Happy Cottage Quilter
Sandi Wayside Treasures

Until next time my freinds.....


  1. Oh Kim, that's a beautiful tea cup! The black in the design gives it such an elegant look.

  2. I looooove this teacup!!! I have a black teacup with roses on it...There is just something about the black with the floral that I love...You really don't see to many teacups with the black..Or at least I haven't seen any...

  3. Happy Teacup Tuesday! What a striking design - the black really sets off the colors in this one. It's nice to see the "one that started it all" as they say!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Pretty teacup! I finally got mine posted...almost forgot!!

  5. Hi Kim,
    What a lovely teacup set. I like the black. I agree with Debi, it gives it a more elegant look.


  6. Beautiful! I love the touch of black. It makes the flowers just pop with color! Very striking!

  7. Lovely teacup! It's fun you got this one first or you might never have gotten one with black in it!

  8. Hello Kim,
    Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a happy day !! And I wish you a belated !! Hope it was wonderful !! Love your post on "teacups".. I can never have enough !! Yours are truly beautiful !! Have a happy rest of your day...~hugs ~tea~

  9. Hi Kim.. that is one pretty tea cup.. even there is black colour all around it.. I wonder how many teacups you have!.. all must be beautiful..

    have a good day! take care

  10. This is my first visit to your blog, I just found it through another blog. I love everything about here. I also collect tea cups and tea pots. I counted the tea cups and suacers the other day and have 26 of them, I didn't realize I had that many. But that won't stop me from collecting,lol.
    Have a wonderful night.
