Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tea Things Tuesday.....

Hello my friends and welcome to another addition of "Tea Things Tuesday".

I'm thrilled to have you stop by for a visit today to check out what teapot I am going to be sharing with you from my collection. It won't surprise you in the least when I tell you that the teapot for this week is covered in dreamy pink roses. I'm sure many of you are just like me when you are out shopping, whether it be in the antique shops, thrift stores or retail stores and you find your eyes immediately drawn to anythign with roses on it.

This lovely rose patterned teapot found its way into my home about two years ago after I discovered it in a wonderful antique and gift shop just across the border of Minnesota in the charming town of Osceola, Wisconsin.

Just look at the pretty roses. The colors range from an ever so soft shade of pink, to one just a tad bit darker...

Loving the color pink as much as I do, it's hard for me to imagine that there are some people out there who don't like the color pink. I guess they just don't get the "Pink" thing or know how to appreicate the beauty and many shades of this color.

If you want to see some more pretty tea things, whether they be pink or another color, please visit the blogs of these lovely ladies to see what they are sharing today.


  1. Love, love, love! ♥
    ~ Sigh ~
    ~ Swoon ~

    You've made my morning, Kim!

    Oh how nice to see your post pop up on my dashboard! now I'll never forget to come by on Tuesday again! ☺

  2. Kim, your rose tea pot is gorgeous!! I LOVE it!
    Hugs, Debi

  3. Your teapot is so pretty. The doily under it with the tray behind it creates a lovely setting. Very, very nice!

  4. That is one gorgeous teapot!!!!

    m ^..^

  5. I love your pretty pink roses teapot. I would love to join you girls for a tea party next Tuesday!!
    ♥ Rebecca

  6. Anothe beautiful teapot, Kim! I don't have that one either, but a similar one that I'm showing next week. Is that Royal Patrician, by chance? Just love those pink roses...how can anyone not like pink, especially pink roses?!

    Have a wonderful day, and thanks again for bringing us together!


  7. Oh Kim. I so totally "get" the pink thing. After raising boys and being the only woman in a blue and brown world, I am totally indulging myself in the wonderful color of pink, much to the dismay of my sons.
    OH WELL! Get over it!
    What a gorgeous teapot!
    OK, I want to partake in this fun day sometime soon! I am writing it on my calendar!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds

  8. Hello Kim, this is a lovely teapot, so rosy!! You have a nice collection and I am looking forward to the weeks to come.

    Love & Hugs

  9. Oh wow Kim, what a beautiful teapot. I love the sweet roses.

  10. Hey Kim!
    Oh yes, girl anything roses...your tea pot is so pretty! I loved catching up with your other posts too! Always lots of eye candy over here to see...thanks for sharing!
    Big Hugs,

  11. I love your teapot! It's so pretty!!

    Also, I was wondering where you got the light switch plate that's in the pic of your vases on the pink shelf? Do you have a close-up pic of it? It's looks so pretty!

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysmeowmail at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  12. Such a lovely tea pot you have! The colors are so pretty. Happy autumn :>)

  13. What a pretty teapot! Nothing beats beautiful pink roses!~Patti

  14. Thank you darling, I am looking forward to next Tuesday,

    Love & Hugs

  15. What a lovely teapot....It's just something about pinks that makes you take a breath and say ahhhh...all's right in my world!

  16. Very pretty teapot Kim! I had a teapot very similar once, but it is long gone. Oh the teacups and teapots that I have passed along. If I had a penney for every one, I think I would be rich. :)

  17. oh my gosh.. just look at the roses on the teapot.. lovely! my fave!!! hehehe..

  18. Now I do heart this one!!!!
    It is so vintage looking pretty ...a treasure!
