Monday, October 12, 2009

Just Had To Share...

For all my blogging friends who love anything pink, rosy and shabby chic, I just had to share a link to a great blog I discovered while blog hopping.

The blog belongs to a lady who lives in Malaysia and the blog is not written in English, but paying a visit just to see all the pink pretties is well worth your time. The pictures speak for themselves.

The blog name is SUESAFIA'S COTTAGE and this is the link:

Here's just a sample of the pink goodness you'll see (I hope she doesn't mind me "borrowing" a picture from her blog to share with you...)

Once you get there, you will find several other Malaysian blog links as well that are also worth paying a visit to as these Malaysian girls sure love their pink and Shabby Chic decor. Goes to show you that us American girls aren't the only ones.

It appears that she has an online shop as well, but I'm guessing she doesn't ship to the USA. Maybe that's a good thing though or I'd probably find myself spending lots of money and all the cute things I see.

See you tomorrow for "Tea Things Tuesday"...


  1. Hey Kim!
    Thanks for sharing this blog address with us...I'll bust on over there, when I leave here...I can't believe you got snow there!
    Last week we had days in the high 90s and humid as can be...this week we are going to cool off some... or at least I'm hoping. It has been unseasonalbly hot here, and looks like you are getting unseasonably cold...I do wish mother nature would check her calendar and soon! LOL!

    Hunter and Kylee are cute as can be...I know they are just as proud to have you for an auntie, as you are of having them for your niece and nephew!

    You know I'm loving your new finds...I always love to see what everyone else brings home...the old postcards are so pretty...I'm loving your yellow chintz set of china too! Well, better go before I write a book here! Hope you have a great week!
    Big Hugs,

  2. Thanks for the link Kim....what a beautiful blog.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your finds, Kim! One of my favorite pasttimes is visiting shabby, pink and pretty websites! See ya tomorrow!


  4. Wow, what a pretty blog!!
    Thanks for sharing

    Sheryn xox

  5. Wow! Isn't it fun how women all over the world can like the same things? ☺

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm thrilled that you have mentioned my blog here.
    This is my first visit to your site and I love it!
