Monday, November 16, 2009

Tea Things Tuesday....

Hey there girls. How are things going in your world?

My world has been somewhat crazy as usual with work STILL being extremely busy and me getting the opportunity to pretty much work as much overtime as I want, which of course means more $$$ in my pocketbook to use for fun money, but it also means a lot mores stress and exhaustion.

To battle that exhaustion and to wind down and relax after a busy day of work, I will often make myself a small pot of tea and snack on some yummy cookies for a little pick me up.

A great way to do that is using one of my favorite teapots. This little beauty is about half the size of a regular teapot and will hold maybe three cups of tea. Just perfect when I don't feel liking drinking a large pot of tea all by myself.

The unusual story behind this teapot is that unlike many of my other teapots, this one came into my possession AFTER I already had two matching teacups. I had found the teacups at different times years earlier and loved the pretty rose pattern in pink and yellow and had always dreamed of finding a matching teapot someday. Well that day finally arrived much to my delight a few years ago when I visited a small antique and gift shop in the town of Osceola Wisconsin, just across the border from Minnesota and discovered my much dreamed about teapot just sitting on a shelf waiting for me to bring it home. It was a little pricey in my opinion as most teapots these days are, but after having dreamt about it for as long I had been, I just knew there was no way I was going to pass it up and leave it behind, no matter what it cost. It was definitely worth paying what I did for it and I've sure gotten my money's worth out of this teapot as it is probably the one I use the most often.

The two matching teacups are different styles, both of which I love, but they do have the same rose pattern as the teapot.

Now if I could just find a few matching desert size plates, I'd have a complete serving set. Maybe someday I will, you just never know. Until then, I'll enjoy and get much use out of the pieces I do have.

Thanks for stopping by today for some tea time fun. I hope you enjoyed your visit. If you'd like to see even more lovely tea things, follow the MckLinky links below to visit the blogs of my tea loving friends who are also sharing some of their favorite tea things with us today.


  1. Kim, your teapot is so beautiful. And the teacups are equally as lovely. I've never seen this pattern before, but I would certainly pay the price for such a little beauty. I know you have enjoyed using them.

  2. Hi, Kim,
    I bet your heart skipped a beat when you saw that precious teapot to match your cups and saucers! I like to mix and match cups and saucers and other china pieces. I think that makes them just that more pretty and interesting. I am glad you are able to relax some when you get home. Thank you for the effort and time you put into hosting our tea party each week!! Blessings to you, sweet friend!! Vicki

  3. Hello Kim!
    I love this teapot and the pretty gold rimmed tea cups and saucers. I'm glad that you can get some comfort from a pot of tea out of this pretty teapot after a long and hectic day. Blessings....

  4. Your teapot and teacups are beautiful, Kim! I'm particularly fond of the teacup with the wide rim...I have a few of that style, and I know it has a name, but don't remember what it is. The soft pink and yellow are absolutely gorgeous. To have the matching teapot is really a mini was just waiting for you! I always love the china pieces you find, and I'm so glad that they bring you some relaxation and quiet time...I feel the same way...when tired and stressed, I run to my teapot and teacup for a "Calgon moment".

    God bless,

  5. Hi Kim,

    thanks for hosting again for us today. Love your teapot and matching cups. What a great story about the teapot. Sounds like it was just waiting for you! Just lovely.


  6. Gorgeous teapot! Worth every penny you paid for it! The dessert plates are out there, just waiting to join their "mates". They'll find you someday. Also, **many** thanks for adding to an already busy schedule to host TTT. When I had OT for more than a week or two, the dust bunnies sprouting from the computer waved 'Nighty-night' as I crawled to the bedroom.

  7. Very lovely tea pot and I adore your cups.
    Nice way to unwind after a hard day for sure.
    Happy Tea Tuesday!!

    LOL! teati was the word verification!!!

  8. Hi Kim,
    Your teapot and cups are just charming! I love them myself! I'm so glad you found the teapot to match your cups. It makes one feel so good to find something like that, doesn't it? I love your teacup Tuesday meme and I will try to join in next week. What a superb idea! I am over from Mary's blog. Thank you for sharing your lovely teapot and teacups with us. I am going to become a Follower because your blog is one I want to visit often. Please stop by sometime and pay me a visit too, won't you? Have a lovely day.


  9. Hi Kim,
    The set is so very pretty. That is fun that the cups have different shapes. The yellow doily is very pretty with the set too!

  10. Hi Kim....Love your teapot and I love your one photo with the little birds next to your china! That is precious!~Patti

  11. Hey Kim!
    Girl, you have got so many pretty collections of teapots and teacups...I could never pick a favorite...I think I love them all! I know you were thrilled to find this teapot, especially since you had the teacups happens like that sometimes, and what fun! I think the little girl vase is precious too, in the post below... I am always drawn to those sweet faces too. I wish I could run across more of them. I hope you are having a wonderful week....
    Big Hugs,

  12. Hi Kim; OOOOOOOOOOO I love the Tea pot and those beautiful Tea cups,, just gorgeous.... have a great week.


  13. Hello Kim
    What a wonderful color combination! Just curious where do you store them all? Lori

  14. Kim, they're all so beautiful. I love the two different styles of teacups. They're wonderful! I can understand why you get so much enjoyment out of them.
    Hugs, Debi

  15. Hi there Kimmie girl! I'm glad you missed me and I'm glad to be back!

    I think finding seperate pieces in different places is even more fun then buying them all together! Just lovely! Enjoy that fun money- it will help you forget the stress! ♥

  16. It's so exciting when you come across something to match your collection isn't it.Even better if you get a bargain as well.The teapot is so pretty.
    I have a collection of chintz china that's getting bigger by the day!

