Monday, December 14, 2009

Tea Things Tuesday..............

Well Girls, this is it.. The final week for "Tea Things Tuesday".

I've finally come to the end of my collection of teacups and teapots and after today, I have no more to share with you. I have had so much fun over the past several months sharing my collection of tea things with you, starting way back when with my teacups and then more recently with my teapots and the matching pieces I have for each set.

I saved my very favorite tea set for last. I love each and every one of my teapots, but this gorgeous "Lady Carlyle" set from Royal Albert has to be my all time favorite. From the scrumptious pink, to the lovely floral pattern, this one can't be beat. For this set, I have a service set for two.

Starting with the teapot..............

And the two matching teacups............

Two desert size plates (one standing and one sitting underneath the teacups in the photo above) ..............

And a small little dish of which I'm unsure of it's purpose, but I just had to have it because it matched the set....

And my complete collection of this lovely "Lady Carlyle" pattern...

I would like to extend a big and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who have joined me over the past few months in sharing your own collection of beautiful tea things right along with me. It has been such a pleasure for me to meet some bloggers I may not have met otherwise and of course, to see all of your beautiful tea things. The blogging community has some of the best and nicest people that I've ever had the honor of meeting and I consider each and every one of you to be my friend.

I am definitely going to miss hosting this weekly event, but even though it's come to an end, I'll still be here posting regularly about this and that, so make sure you come back to visit me in the future.

Until then, take a stroll over to the blogs of these lovely ladies and see what they are sharing with us for the last week of "Tea Things Tuesday"..


  1. Oooooh! Kim, she's a beauty! I love the pattern and of the course the pink, in this set. I can see why it's your favorite!

  2. Wow - that really is beautiful!!
    Its so hot in Oz right now we are doing a pool party this week for our tea party. I only just realised too that it doesn't even feature any tea set this time, we just have fruit sculptures!!!!
    Have a great day :-)

  3. Hi Kim,
    Your tea service is indeed gorgeous! I absolutely love the colours of it. She's a beauty! I am not participating this week because I am so busy but I had to stop by and see what you were offering; I'm not disppointed! I would love to have you stop by just the same as I have put up pictures of my Christmas cottage. I hope you and your loved ones have a beautiful Christmas and I look forward to the next meme you host.

    Christmas blessings,

  4. Hi Kim....That is a gorgeous tea set! I can see why it is your favorite! I have enjoyed seeing all of your have quite the collection! Happy Holidays!~Patti

  5. Hey Kim.. this is a beautiful set!!
    Can see why it is your favorite. Love those flowers!
    I want to thank you so much for being such a sweet hostess for our Tuesday Tea Things!
    I will still pop by to see what is up at your pretty cottage!
    I will still do a Tuesday Tea post once in a while so I do hope you will visit my country home again soon.
    Wishing you all the joys of this beautiful season!

  6. Kim, this Lady Carlyle is so beautiful! No doubt you save the best for last.. and I love this set a lot.. I don't have any from this pattern but recently I found a very nice lady who sells this set in trios.. so I made a reservation for one trios.. Once I got, I shall share it with you.. :D..

    thanks for having this wonderful show & tell tea thingies.. even tho' i didn't participate, I still love visiting you girls with these lovely sets!

    have a good week

  7. beautiful beautiful!!! love all these tea things !

  8. Hi Kim,
    This is a beautiful pattern, so dainty. I don't have any in this pattern although I have looked at it and admired it several times.

    Thank you so much for hosting our Tea Things Tuesday. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you.

    Happy Tea Things Tuesday!!!

  9. Kim, I have always loved Lady Carlyle. I gave a teacup to my sister in love a few years ago when we still had the outlet store in our area. Thank you so much for hosting Tea Tuesdays. It has been so fun and I've loved visiting with the other ladies and seeing their beautiful tea things. I have you on my side bar so I will be watching when you post something new. Please stop by and visit me too.


  10. Hi Kim,

    I love you tea set...I have the same one! Its also one of my classy and elegant. I would love to have tea with you, with all our matching sets, and all the mismatched ones as well...there's nothing like sitting down for a "spot" of tea with a friend! I've enjoyed our tea parties over these months, and will miss them, but we will find more common ground, I'm sure...the blogging world is so full of creativity and ideas, we are never bored or feel like we're seeing the same thing twice.

    Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful Christmas!

    God bless,

  11. My darling I wish you and yours all the joy, love, hope, blessings, peace, laughter, miracles, good health and boundless wealth during this holiday season and always.

    Love & Hugs

  12. I can sure see why that set is your favorite!

  13. Hi Kim
    I love tea things and was thinking that I might start a tea things Tuesday at my blog. Would you mind if I used your button for it? I'll be sure to give you the credit for it.
    Hugs, Rhondi
