Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Shabby Crafting ......

Hey there girls....

Happy Tuesday.. How is your week going so far? Mine has been pretty good for the most part. Back at work again and being kept busy with that.

I was feeling pretty crafty over the weekend and on Sunday I showed you a craft project I did on Saturday. Well... I loved how that one turned out so much, that I made another one on Sunday using some of the left over scraps of paper and a few different embellishments.

I'm guessing this one won't be the last. I'll likely be making even more, using some of the different shaped chipboard book pages I have on hand.

Once again, I would like to thank all my bloggy friends for your kind words about my crafting projects and for your encouragement in helping me take the leap into the crafting world. I was a bit scared at first if you recall, but I am having so much fun now, I realize I had nothing to be afraid of.

Have a great day everyone !!!


  1. Your tag is so pretty Kim! Love love love those aqua spools that you made too...you really have an eye for putting things together :)
    Big Hugs,

  2. These are both so very pretty! I really Love them!


  3. Sweet, cute pretty and fun! I knew you would be a great crafter!

    I'm busy working too hard! catching up on cleaning and decorating as I go! ♥
