Friday, March 4, 2011

Time For A Giveaway ......

Oh dear... I can't believe it's Friday already.

The week has just flown by and as usual I've been a bit neglectful of my blog. Likely because I really haven't had much to share with you other than showing off my crafting projects which I'm sure you are probably getting a bit tired of seeing.

This winter just seems to be dragging on and on and on, with snow storm after snow storm, many of them falling on the weekends and it's really put a damper on my antiquing. I haven't been able to get to some of the shops I've been wanting to so I don't have any new pretty treasures to share with you.

So... once again I'll bore you by showing off my latest shabby patchwork wall hangings. For the first one, I used a more bold color scheme with the deep pinks and reds ....

And one in more muted tones of pale green and creams with just a bit of pink added...

As you can imagine, I now have quite a pile of my finished creations that I'm going to have to start giving away as little gifts instead of hoarding them all for myself. Like many of you other crafters out there, I'm sure you can relate when I say that it's a bit hard to pass my creations on to someone else as I just love how cute they all have turned out and I'm finding it a bit hard to part with them. That may seem a bit silly considering they are just made with bits of paper and a few simple but cute embellishments and I have the supplies to make several more, but it's true.

Maybe it's time I did a little giveaway so my blogging friends can have a chance to win one of my cute little creations.

If you are interested in acquiring one my shabby patchwork wall hangings, leave a comment here on this post and let me know if you would like to be entered in a drawing to win one of them. It might be one of them that I've shown here today or one I have shown in the past or maybe even one that hasn't been created just yet.

I will do the drawing to choose a winner early next week...

Until then, have a great weekend!!


  1. uugh! I know what you mean about winter dragging on...and we're supposed to get dumped on pretty good by Wednesday. If you get a chance head to Long Lake, MN to otten's greenhouse for a fabulous winter flea market (under glass). I ran over there today and it's fabulous...just as good as Junk Bonanza!

  2. Hi Kim,
    Thanks for visiting me :) I wish I could have had more "beach time"...
    It was hard coming home to the snow. :( Let's hope spring will come next week.
    I think it would be great to own one of your pretty creations. Thanks for having a giveaway.
    Happy weekend. I hope you can get out and find a treasure.

  3. I'd love to be entered to win one of your treasures.

  4. Hola Kim,
    me encantaria entrar en el sorteo de tus tesoros...
    sería genial tener una de tus creaciones bonitas
    un abrazo grande

  5. Although I don't feel right about being included in a drawing because I am not a commenter (but I do read your blog and love it!) I just wanted to say I love all you creations - the pinker the better!

  6. Oh yes, I think a give away would be a great way to cheer up this Winter day! Thanks, Kim!

    i'm post hungry over at my blog. no treasures, crafts or decorating...

    Last time I went by my antique shop it was closed and now I'm out of fun money! Boo-hoo!

    I do hope to do some hutch decorating in the next few days so maybe I'll post about that- if the sun will shine! ♥

  7. Kim, These are wonderful. I would love a chance to win one. How nice of you. I think we are all tired of Winter. So this is a nice little pick me up. Love your blog. And I do not get tired seeing your wonderful craft projects. Keep them coming.
