Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thrifty Finds...........

I just love going to the antique stores and finding some thrifty, budget friendly finds.

I lucked out yesterday and snagged myself a few inexpensive treasures.  The first of which is this pretty vintage greeting card box.....

The soft and shabby colors and roses are so me.

And keeping with my usual rose them, I snagged this little beauty for just $1.00...

As you can, there are a few small chips along the upper rim of the creamer, but those don't distract from it's overall beauty and it will make a pretty display piece.

I found one more great item that I'll show later during the week.  As you may have noticed, my blog posts have been a bit infrequent of late due to lack of things to blog about, so I'll keep the final item for another post to spread things out a bit.

Oh yeah,  and just to the left of the creamer is a little craft project that I've been working on.  It's almost completed and I'll be sharing more on that soon..

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend!!!


  1. Hi Kim!!!
    Very pretty greeting card box! I sure can see why you picked it up! Creamer too.
    I think our weather is awesome today and that is always a plus!
    Have a great day.
    deb :)

  2. Hi Kim,

    Just stopped in to see what you are up to. Love this roses box! The creamer is so pretty too! It's raining here today, and will do so for the nest 3 days. But.... I am off to Florida to visit my blog friend Shari for the second time. The weather is supposed to be nice. Her blog is My Cottage of Bliss. Will see you when I get back.


  3. Oh, what a sweet little box with bluebirds and roses!

  4. Love your Royal Albert - American Beauty creamer! (I have some pieces in that pattern too.) No one will see those tiny fleabite nicks if you put some pretty flowers in it!
