Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yep... I'm Still At It...

Creating more tags that is...

I can't seem to stop making these easy and fun tags.

For this latest batch, which all have one thing in common, I started off using a copy of this beautiful fashion print I had found a month or so ago at an antique shop.  Thanks to my scanner, I was able to scan it and then print off a sheet of nine wallet size images on just plain white card stock paper.

And from that, came these....

And these....


And to shake things up a bit, I chose to use a different image for this one....

And last, but not least, I made another tag using the dress form template that Debi @ Life In My Studio was kind enough to share with me a while back...  Thanks again Debi !!!

Well, that's how I spent a good chunk of my weekend..  How did you spend yours???

Oh yeah...  If you feel like doing a bit of paper crafting too, please feel free to copy and save the beautiful fashion print for your own personal use.   And if you do make something with it, I'd love to see what you created with it.


  1. Wowzer! These are fabulous. You are so talented. Love them all.

    Let's see, dance recital, concerts, preparing merchandise for the shop ... not much.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

  2. Your tags are absolutely wonderful!!! Be sure to stop by my blog. I'm having a giveaway.

  3. Hi Kim!

    Oh these are just lovely! Thanks so much for sharing the image with us! I keep wanting to try to make one, and I am procrastinating!


  4. Your tags are beautiful!! I spent a part of my weekend making a shabby chic purse!

  5. Come on over to my blog as I am having a Southern Belle Giveaway!!

  6. Oh Kim, I am in love with your tags. They are stunning. Thanks so much for sharing, you've inspired me today. ~ Abby

  7. Your tags are beautiful...thanks for sharing your image! I'm still lovin' your dainty paper you use in your tags too! I so want to get some time do some paper crafting soon :)
    Big hugs,
