Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crafting While Traveling....

Hi Girls...

Once again I've been a major blog slacker, but I'm back today to share with you some of the cute crafting I did over the weekend. 

This past weekend, I traveled out of state to North Dakota with my Mom and one of my sisters to visit my Aunt & Uncle for several days and I decided before leaving that I wanted to bring some of my crafting stuff with me so I packed a small plastic storage case with some things that I could work on over the weekend.

If you recall, several months ago I had altered some plain wooden spools I had purchased at the craft store and I had been wanting to make some more and I knew this would be the perfect thing to do.

Once again, I started with just a package of the plain wooden spools..

And after painting them with craft paint and modgepoding on some pretty scrapbook papers (the strips of which I precut before leaving so I wouldn't have to bring my paper cutter with me), I quickly and easily transformed them into these...

Close up shots of the pink spool...

Blue spool...

Cream colored spool with hints of pink and blue..

And cream colored spool with pale purple....

My Aunt just loved them so needless to say I couldn't leave North Dakota without making one especially for her too.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of that one to share with you.

And  Oh my goodness.. Just wait until you see the goodies that my Aunt sent home with me.  When she found out that I've been doing a lot of crafting, she dug some awesome crafting goodies out of her closet to give to me.  I'll be back in a few days to share those with you..

See you soon..


  1. Adorable. And those are scrap book papers? They look vintage!

  2. Hi Kim,
    Very cute!!! They are fun to make.
    deb :)

  3. Che idee favolose!Quanta creatività!Rosetta

  4. These are just so cute and fun, Kim! Just perfect for taking along on your trip! ♥

  5. Ooooh I just love the one with violets on and that beautiful pale lavender colour flowers.
