Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend Find...

Goodness.. Here it is Monday already and the summer days are just flying by.

This past weekend, I visited one old antique store and one that is fairly new and I returned home with a few new treasures which I'll be sharing with you over the next week.

First up is this cute pale yellow vintage powder dish that I just fell in love with at first sight and I was thrilled to see that the seller was having a 50% off sale in her booth so what was originally marked for sale at $6.00 only cost me half that much...

I know I've mentioned several times in the past that I love to collect things that are a pale buttery yellow color, so needless to say, I was quite happy to bring home this little treasure to add to my collection of yellow.

Don't you just love the pretty knob on top??

Did you find any new treasures this weekend?

I'll be back in a few days to show what else I found.  Until then, stay cool as we enter the dog days of summer.


  1. ... & a beauty she is, Kim. I love the pearl edging.

    Have a great week.
    TTFN ~

  2. Sweet! Have you decided what will go in your new container? It is a nice buttery yellow.

    Money hasn't allowed me to go treasure hunting lately so I've had to look at the treasures of home! And guess what? I've found them!
