Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crafting With A Heart....

Well hey there girls..  It's me.. The total blog slacker who lately just can't seem to get her act together enough to put up a new blog post more than once a week. 

I made it back today though to show off a few more of my altered chipboard hearts that I finished over the weekend. 

Is it OK if I brag just a little bit and say that I think they turned out pretty darned good??

Two hearts are better than one don't you think???

And on to something totally unrelated, how cute are these little clothespins that I found in $1.50 bins at Michael's craft store?

They are just part of the wonderful collection of Rachel Ashwell Simply Shabby Chic stationary items that you can find at your local Michael's store.  They have the best stuff there sometimes and being the shabby chic loving kind of gal I am, I simply adore all the pretty notebook pads, pens, clothespins. etc that I've been lucky enough to find there lately.  And oh my goodness, lets not even get me started on the aisle with all the new fabulous springtime pinkalishous french inspired girly girl seasonal decor.  A girly girls paradise.

Until next time...


  1. Oooh I adore the clothes pegs!


  2. Of course you can brag..... Your creations are beautiful!!
    Have a Peaceful Day!

  3. LOVE the first heart! Very pretty paper choices! I enjoy the 1.50 section at Michael's too.

  4. I ♥ that rose paper! And I see that YOU just commneted on MY blog, too! :)

  5. Your hearts are so sweet! You always use the prettiest papers!

  6. Hi,kim.Your prettiest collection is awesome.Realy the spring weather is wonderful.sell my house
