Sunday, August 26, 2012

Changes In My Craftroom...

Hi Girls,

In my last post, I mentioned that one major change had already occurred in my craftroom with a new window being installed.   

Well, in addition to that, I decided to move out the old loveseat that was in my craftroom to make room for some more functional storage.  Where my old loveseat used to be, now resides this...

These are the Recollections modular storage cubes that you can purchase from Michael's craft store.  

My initial plan was to have 12 of them, three high and four across, but then I realized that I wouldn't be able to do that as unfortunately, the bedroom doesn't have an overhead light and the electrical outlet that connects to my light switch is on this wall (behind the wicker sewing basket/stand) and I can't block it with the storage cubes.

I love how it looks in the room.  So much better than the loveseat that's for sure.  And of course, it gives me more room to display some of the things I've made and other things in my collection.

It's still a work in progress, but it's a hundred percent better than it was before. And I still might buy a few more of the cubes and do just a single stack of three cubes to the right of the outlet. 
So instead of that old loveseat that was usually just a dumping ground for all sorts of stuff,  this is the view I now have when I look over my shoulder when I'm working away at my craft table.

Changes are definitely a good thing sometimes!!!


  1. Looking awesome! I love those storage cubbies from Michael's. I have some too! Nice new windows! That will help with heating bills this winter!
    Are you going to the State Fair? We usually do, not this year!

  2. Looking good, I sure need to get motivated and stop messing up my Studio and start cleaning it! Very impressed! Hugs, Diane
