Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today's Project....

Hi Girls..

Happy Saturday!!

Just popping in with a quick post to show you a quick and easy little project I did today.

In my last post, I shared with you all of my finds from Junk Bonanza, one of which included these plastic Ziploc bags full of vintage trims.

Well, you know me..  I had to find a prettier and more creative way to keep them organized as those plastic bags just wouldn't do, so I took two of my chipboard album pages from the dollar bins at Michael's, covered them in some pretty scrapbook paper and now the trims are being organized like this...


 I ran out of room for the trims on these two, so I need to make one or two more.  They will all be displayed prettily in a basket when I'm done.
What creative things have you done today?


  1. Oh yes, much prettier!
    Creative things today?
    Garage sailing! ♥

  2. Hi Kim,

    I love all those shabby pretty trims. I haven't done anything creative yet today!! I am being lazy and catching up on some blog reading!! I have so much to do today too... Gotta get busy refinishing some estate sale finds later and I'm making a couple of new chandeliers. Happy Monday!!!


  3. Such a cute idea for storing and displaying much better than plastic bags! I am going to the gathering at Deb's tomorrow- looking forward to meeting you!
