Friday, December 14, 2012




  1. Heartbroken...please God make it stop.
    Lisa Rose

  2. The only words I have either sound trite or don't make any sense. I was up all last night, too sick, physically and emotionally, to sleep. The horror endured by those poor little ones and the agonizing grief that will be with their parents and loved ones for the rest of their lives are unimaginable. I have been praying constantly for the families of the children and the staff members who were killed trying to save them, but at times I wonder why. What could possibly give them any comfort, help them get through every day of the rest of their lives without their precious baby? But I have to do something, so pray I will. Maybe the prayers of all of us will one day help even just one of the grieving moms or dads smile at a memory of their little one who is gone forever.
