Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yikes... I Did It Again..


I can't believe I let a whole month go by without doing a blog post.  No excuses other than I was just pure lazy and had absolutely no motivation for blogging.  It seemed that the more time that passed, the harder it was to get back in the blogging groove again.

Well, I gave myself a kick in the rear end today and told myself to get out my camera, charge up those batteries and take some new pictures.

So, here I am once again to share with you a few of my latest artsy creations that I've made over the past month. 

First are a few more of my post card size altered art pieces.  These are the most fun, easy and fast things to make.

Just leftover scraps of pretty papers and fun embellishments.

All done using papers and embellishments that give them that vintage look I love.

Adding special touches with stamped tags and a little bit of bling...

I also completed another two page spread in the art journal I started using this mixed media art journal that I purchased at Walmart...

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.  I just hope I can start to keep up with this blogging thing again so that I don't stay away so long next time.
See you again soon!!!

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