Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yes, I'm Still Alive...

But I have pretty much lost all motivation for blogging. 

Something that probably doesn't surprise you considering as how I've pretty much dropped off the face of the earth and haven't posted anything new in almost a month and a half.

I am fine however and doing very well.  And I wanted to let all of my loyal followers know that in case you may have been wondering what happened to me. 

I've been working, enjoying the summer weather and of course doing lots of crafting when I have time.

These are just a few of my latest creations that I had photographed weeks ago but never blogged about.

A shabbified 8x10 canvas panel using leftover scraps of paper from an earlier project.

And a smaller piece to which I added a chipboard dress form.  I even dressed the dress form using the coordinating back side of the paper that I used as the background.  I love this paper. Both sides of the paper had the prettiest patterns and colors and I was glad I was able to use both sides in this little project.  I love how cute it turned out....

And to close out this post, I had been on the hunt for months for some more vintage ledger books/journals to alter like the one I did last summer, which you can read about here , but I had not had any luck in finding any in the antique shops, so I went online and shopped both on EBay and Etsy where I found two that were in very good condition and were affordable.  They both arrived in the mail on the same day.  The one I purchased on Etsy even had a few extra treats tucked inside the book.  That was a nice surprise.

I've already made a great start in altering the "Cash" book and I will hopefully share more about that with you in the not so far future. 

Until then, keep on enjoying life and what's left of this quickly dwindling summer.


  1. Oh, it's so good to hear from you again! I go through those dry spells with my blogging too. I've found that the longer I go between posts, the harder it is to get started back. So, for the month of August, I've challenged myself to make a daily post and so far I'm on track!

  2. Hey Kim!
    I have a couple of those journals that I want to alter...I have too many projects! LOL! I'm trying to ENJOY these summer days too!

  3. I know what you mean desire to blog is really waning these days. I think with pinterest, FB, and all the other stuff we just have so many options to share things.
    I love your newest creations. So pretty!
