Saturday, July 25, 2009

Soft Shades of Pink.......

Hello Ladies...

Did you all have a good week this week? I did for the most part, except for a few minor things that I had no control over and which sort of spoiled part of my days on Thursday and Friday which I had planned as vacation days. The days were not a total loss though and it was still nice being away from work for a few extra days, so there is much to be thankful for in that.

I've turned into somewhat of a blog slacker again and I haven't been very good about posting as often as I would like to. Didn't want to go too long without a new post, so I quick snapped a few new pictures this morning to share today.

Nothing special, just some random pinkness to add a little bright spot to your day.

This lovely vase is one I found in an antique shop several weeks ago, but hadn't gotten around to sharing yet. The vase itself is cream colored and the rose is the softest shade of pink...

More pink with my sweet little bunny, a pink milkglass compote and a white milkglass vase that holds a bundle of artificial creamy pink roses...

And finally, some more pink pretties including a smaller version of the pink milkglass compote that I showed above, a cute little jar that I found at Micheal's this past spring which I have filled with some pink buttons, and a darling little planter in the shape of a baby bootie..

Not totally sure yet what this day is going to bring, but I have a strong feeling that it's going to entail some retail therapy at one or two antique shops. Gotta find some more pink pretties to add to my collections... LOL.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Hi sweetie! I'm particularly fond of your pink milk glass dish, that is quite a treasure!

    Enjoy your weekend! I'm having the gals over for quilting (we alternate houses) so I have a fun day planned!

  2. Hi Kim, Your pink milkglass is a treasure - I don't think I've ever seen milkglass in pink! The little Jardin jar looks familiar...oh, I know, I have one sitting on a shelf in my bathroom! Great minds think alike! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!

  3. Love all your little pretties! Don't you just love "retail therapy" at an antique store?!

  4. I could go for some "retail therapy" myself!!
    I'm having a "Christmas in July" giveaway on my blog this weekend; please stop by and enter for a chance to win something PINK for Christmas!

  5. Hi Kim,

    Love all of your pink pretties! I have been looking for some pink milk glass on e-bay. Haven't found anything good yet. I think I need some therapy too! lol

  6. Hi Kim, I love the different shades of pinks.. I believe just about every room in my home has a touch of pink some where. I don't think your going to have a problem finding anything in pink for your nice collection.

  7. Love you pretty pinks! Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Kim
    I adore pink milkglass and rarely see any here let alone any I could afford! I have one pink lattice milkglass plate, and many white pieces! Your compote is precious! Do you see pink very often? Lori

  9. Hi Kim,
    Hope you are having a good weekend. Very pretty things to look at, helps to create a calming mood!

  10. I love all your pinks, especially the pink milk glass covered compote. Have a great weekend.

  11. I would kill for this glass jar! Love everything in your blog.. it just brings calmness and relaxation !
