Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Teacup Tuesday - Week 19

Yep... It's that time once again.

Teacup Tuesday is back for an amazing 19th week and it's time for me to share yet another teacup from my collection.

It will come as no surprise when you see that this weeks featured teacup is covered in a beautiful rose pattern. This teacup is not stamped on the bottem with the name of the pattern, but it does have a stamp indicating it was manufactured by Royal Winchester in England.

The roses are such a pretty shade of pink and they blend so beautifully with the white flowers and green leaves.

Teacup Tuesday will only be continuing for a few more weeks as I am running ou of teacups to share for this event, so it will eventually have to come to an end. However, I may not end the Tuesday tea theme altogether, at least not for a while anyways.. Once I run out of teacups to show, I may start sharing my collection of teapots. Would you like to see those next??

Besides myself, I know that these wonderful ladies also share a love of all things related to tea and they would love to have you stop by for a visit to see what they are sharing for this weeks Teacup Tuesday...

Valerie @ Traveling Through
Jocelyn @ Happy Cottage Quilter
Lola @ ...and Sew On
Mary @ Mary's Tea Cottage


  1. Love seeing your teacups - wow, you have a bunch of them! You could have one huge tea party! Would love to see the teapots.

  2. I got in on your teacup Tuesday too late but I would love to see your teapots....I have a small collection myself. Your latest teacup is beautiful...I think rose teacups are so dainty and feminine!

  3. Oh Kim this teacup is breathtaking! I love the teacups with pink roses.

  4. A sigh... yes this cup is as soft as a sweet sigh... so pretty!!!
    Thanks Kim for hosting all the wonderful teacup posts!

  5. Happy Teacup Tuesday Kim!
    It's just beautiful...your teacup collection is amazing and I'm really looking forward to seeing the teapots that you collect too! I'm loving your finds that you posted down below...that bunny is so cute and the french labeled jar is so pretty too, as well as your milk glass! I hope you have a great week!
    Big Hugs,

  6. YES do the teapots! That would be super! Love this one, very pretty!

  7. Keep going as long as you can, Kim! It makes me happy. ☺

  8. HI Kim, this teacup is really pretty, and I suspect that it has been held by loving hands while sipping some delicious tea! I love the vintage china, and even though you didn't say this one is, I think it well might be. So very, very pretty, with beautiful roses. And yes,of course, do continue with teapots. As far as running out of teacups,you can also show items with pictures of teacups on them, for example, pictures in magazines, or book covers, etc. Teacups and teapots have an alluring quality to them, and we are drawn in by their sweet beauty, so yes, keep going as long as possible!

  9. Yes, yes, yes, to the teapots!

  10. Beautiful cups...I've so enjoyed seeing your collection.
    Teapots sound like fun!

  11. Hi Kim, beautiful cup! All of your cups have been so pretty and delicate. Would love to see the teapots too. I believe around here we may always refer to Tuesdays as Teacup Tuesdays, this has been so fun!

  12. Hi Kim,

    What a beautiful teacup! It is so dainty and pretty. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would love to see the teapots too!


  13. This is my first visit to teacup tuesday!! Very fun. I love pretty teacups. Thanks for the pretty photos.
