Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life Is Boring Sometimes....

Yep, that's right. We all know it. Life can be pretty boring at times and that has been the case for me for a few weeks now. Doesn't leave much to blog about, so I know I haven't been posting very much lately. I honestly don't know how some of you ladies manage to post nearly every day.

This weekend has been another boring one, so to help keep the boredom at bay, I spent an hour or so this afternoon creating another tag to add to my small, but growing collection.

I chose to use another lovely image of a lady for this tag. I don't remember where I found this image. Likely on someones blog, but who's I don't recall. If you recognize it and if it belongs to you or if you know who may have shared it on their blog in the past, please let me know as I would love to acknowledge the owner of this beautiful image and link this post back to that person's blog.

It's such a gray, gloomy and wet day here in Minnesota today which makes for very poor lighting and picture taking so these aren't the best pictures and they don't capture the true colors as nicely as I was hoping they would, but at least you'll get a general idea.

I finished off the bottom edge with some lace trim found at the Goodwill. Of course, no project would be complete without a button or two and some embellished trim.

I just love the little flowers on the embellished trim don't you? I purchased it some time ago, in just the green, but now I'm wanting to go back and buy more in some of my other favorite colors. It so easy to use. Just cut the trim which comes packaged just like ribbon to the size needed for your art project, add a bit of glue to the back side and add it to your project for a bit of dimenson.

I have a feeling that by the time fall and winter are over and spring arrives back in Minnesota, I am going to have quite a huge stash of finished tags in my possesion. They will be fun to give away as little gifts here and there just to let someone know that I'm thinking of them and wanted to add a little spot of sunshine to their day.


  1. That is one of my favorite images painted by Francis Brundage. I have a book of her paintings, there are so many and you did a wonderful job with the tag. We haven't had winter yet here in Florida. Today it was 81 degrees and only gets to the 60's at night. But next month it may start cooling down and then in January and February we hit our coldest but nothing like Minnesota. Have a great week,

  2. Hi Kim,
    Your little tag is so sweet. I like how the flowers add dimension to it. It has been overcast here for 2 days now and has turned a little cooler. Makes you just want to nap! I am trying to get a dresser sanded down and painted before the first snowfall but I don't think I am going to make it. I wish it had stayed warmer just a little longer!

  3. Oh girl! I knew that once you started creating, it would be wonderfuland it is! for me, creating always keeps boredom at bay! ♥

  4. Hi Kim,
    Thinking of you during this wicked weather. Hope you are holding up well!

  5. This is such a lovely tag! You did a great job. I have seen that image out there in blogland. It is so pretty!

