Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Tag Making Fun....

Hey there girls...

What are you up to this weekend? Are you enjoying some beautiful weather where you live? It's been a beautiful fall weekend here in the Minneapolis are this weekend with loads of sunshine and mild temps. A perfect fall weekend. I'd be one very happy girl if it would stay just like this all winter. Big dreams I know, but I can still dream can't I?

As nice as it is outside, I've been spending most of my time indoors with part of that time working on creating a few more embellished tags. I'm really starting to enjoy my craftiness now that I've gotten started and I hope I can continue creating lots more tags and other things and that I won't find myself getting bored with it.

This weekend, I made two new tags, once again using some beautiful images of clip art that Rhea @ shared on her blog in one of her Clip Art Monday posts.

The images are of two lovely ladies all dressed up in their finery and holding baskets of flowers. Taking my cue from the colors in the images, I found some coordinating scrapbook papers in my stash to use as the background and then added some additional embellishments including vintage ephemera, sheet music, small strings of beads and some flower embellishments.

To coordinate the tags, I used the same papers on both tags, but in a slightly different way. I first cut each piece of the paper using my blank tag as a template, then I cut each piece in half. For one tag, I used the floral patterned paper on the top half and the blue, polka dotted paper on the bottom half. I did the opposite for the other tag.

The tags shown individually..

See how well the floral pattern and colors of the scrapbook paper goes with the images I chose to use? And you can also see a closer view of the beaded trim I used as well...

I promise I won't bore you by showing you every single tag I create. Maybe just one or two here and there. I just happen to be quite proud of how my first few tags have turned out that I needed to show them off and share them here with you.

Thanks to all of you for you kind comments on my first attempts at crafting tags and for your encouragement along the way. It means a great deal to me and I just wanted you to know that.


  1. Hi Kim!!
    Your tags are lovely and you can show off as many as you make! It'a your blog :) It's so much fun!
    Happy Sunday!
    deb :)

  2. Super Cute Kim !! :) I posted them on my Blog :) Hugs,


  3. Hey Kim!
    These tags are all darling...I just love them :)
    It was such fun catching up on the rest of your blog posts too...they are always so pretty and inspiring.

    Thanks for your visit over to my blog...and for your sweet comments about my craft room.
    I am looking forward to seeing more of the tags that you keep posting them okay?!
    Hope you have a sweet week :)
    Big Hugs,

  4. Way to go Kim!! Your tags are beautiful! Looks like you're on a roll now!

  5. What a pretty blog!

  6. Hey there Kim,
    Thought I'd give you a visit to see what your up to...and I'm loving your tags, they're just gorgeous! And I'm tickled pink that you put a picture of that wallpapered doll chest on your sidebar, I love that it's being cherished all over again..thanks for buying it and loving it...
