Hi Girls...I hope you are enjoying this lovely weekend. Even if it's a bit on the cold side like it is here in Minnesota where we are currently sitting at a not so balmy 13 degrees. Much better than the 9 below zero temperature I awoke to. Lots of sunshine though and that is very much appreciated.Well, after forcing myself to stay away from the antique shops during the month of December in order to use my money for Christmas shopping and to pay down a few credit cards, I couldn't stand it anymore and was beginning to go through some serious withdrawal not being able to get out and hunt myself up a treasure or two. So today, I finally caved in and visited a few of my favorite shops.I am proud to say that I kept within my set budget and found a few new things to bring home with me. Of course, the first thing that caught my eye, not surprisingly, was something PINK!! This cute tin flour canister in a very pale shade of pink.
I probably won't use it to store flour, but will keep it in my craft room to store odds and ends. And, I will likely cover up the "flour" wording with a pretty rose decal of some sort.
Another cute find was this cottage style china creamer. A great bargain at just $2.50. A girls gotta love a great bargain don't we?
And finding some inspiration with the always fabulous Somerset Life magazine, I found something today that could have been right out of the pages of the current issue of the magazine.
One of the articles in the magazine showed how the artist had altered some vintage clothespins and spools using paper, lace, ribbons and buttons...

When I saw these and read the article, I thought to myself how cute they were and how simple it would be to do something similar myself, so imagine my delight when today I spotted a small mason jar filled with 12 vintage clothespins for just $5.00.
Now I too will be able to alter some vintage clothespins just like those I saw in the magazine. They will be cute displayed in a china bowl, a wicker basket or maybe an apothecary jar.Don't you just love finding inspiration everywhere? I know I do.. Blogland is filled with it and so is the always gorgeous Somerset Life magazine.