Blogger was giving me fits as I was doing this post as it was not letting me move my pictures around within my post to get them in the order that I wanted them to be. Urrrgggg......
This teacup is actually one that I no longer use for the reason that it has a chip along the top edge of teacup and I have always read that for sanitary reasons, it is not a good thing to use any sort of china for serving food or beverages if the china is cracked or chipped. Even though it is no longer used for its intended purpose, it still looks lovely displayed alongside all of my other china so I will never part with it.
Now, for something extra special.....
Katie from Rose Breeze Boutique , who for the past several weeks has joined me for Teacup Tuesdays, is doing a special giveaway on her blog. Katie makes and sells these wonderful little paper teacups that are filled with rose shaped teabags. They are just the sweetest thing to keep for oneself or to give away as little gifts or to use for party favors. Katie is giving away one of these sweet little paper teacups to the lucky winner of her drawing which will be held on Friday. Stop by Katie's blog before then to enter her drawing. Good luck to all of you.In addition to Katie, these lovely ladies are also joining me for Teacup Tuesday this week and they would love to have you stop by and visit thier blogs to see the teacups they have chosen to share with us today:
Melinda @ Everything Shabby and Chic
Jocelyn @ Happy Cottage Quilter
Lola @ ...and Sew On
Valerie @ http://travelingthrough2.blogspot.com/
As for me, I'm taking a much needed short vacation from work and will be spending the next few days most likely browsing through some of my favorite local antique shops. If I'm lucky, I will hopefully have a few new treasures to share with you by the weekend.
Hope you are all having a wonderful week.
Until next time...
Another view with more of the saucer showing....
This teacup I inherited from my Great Aunt Hester when she passed away several years ago. It is very special to me and I think about her and what a kind and sweet lady she was every time I use it. I also appreciate the fact that she enjoyed collecting teacups as much as I do.
I hope you aren’t getting bored yet seeing the teacups in my collection as I still have quite a few more to show. Who knows, before these “Teacup Tuesday” post ends, I may even have added a few more to my collection… LOL
Now that you’re done visting me, please stop over and visit these lovely ladies who are joining me this week to see the teacups they are showing. They would love to have you stop by for a visit:
...and Sew On
Don’t forget. If there is anyone else who is interested in joining me each week for “Teacup Tuesday”, you are more than welcome to. It is open to anyone who wants to participate. Remember to, that it is not something you need to do every week. You can just join me whichever weeks you choose. All you need to do to join in the fun is send me an Email by Monday night with the link to your blog and I will include your blogs link in my post for the upcoming week.
I hope that more of you will join us in the upcoming weeks, even if it’s just once or twice. The more ladies we have joining in, the more fun it will be.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Take care and have enjoy the rest of your week.